Returns Policy - Buy CCTV Now
Return and Warranty Policies
Items Damaged in Transit
If you receive an item from us that is damaged, you must inform us within 7 days of delivery. If the package is visibly damaged, please sign for it as damaged. Business customers are required to inform us within 48 hours of any damaged items.
Please return the damaged item in its original condition, including all accessories, manuals, and packaging. Once we receive and verify the damaged item, we will either issue a replacement or provide a full refund, and reimburse reasonable delivery costs. We typically arrange for the collection of goods received as damaged.
Items Faulty on Arrival
If you receive an item that is faulty upon arrival, please notify us immediately. You have 28 calendar days to inform us of the fault, while business customers have 14 days. Items must be returned in their original packaging, including all accessories, manuals, and packaging.
Upon receipt, your item will be assessed by our dedicated test center. We will issue a replacement or a full refund if the item cannot be repaired or is no longer available. We will reimburse reasonable delivery costs and usually arrange the collection of faulty goods.
Please note that due to the nature of our products, some may require additional configuration. Ensure you have the appropriate level of skill and training required for installation. If unsure, please seek services from qualified personnel.
For any product faults that develop during the warranty period after the initial 28 days from purchase, you are entitled to an in-warranty repair. Contact us first if you believe there is a fault with your equipment.
Refurbished Items
Refurbished items come with a 30-day warranty from the date of delivery, unless stated otherwise on the product page. Claims beyond this period will not be accepted.
Returning an Unwanted Item
You must notify us of your intent to return an unwanted item using our contact form within 14 days of delivery. You then have another 14 days to ensure the goods are returned to us. Items must remain unopened if they are sealed; otherwise, you may inspect the items as long as they remain in their original, new/saleable condition. Items must be returned in their unmarked original packaging and include all accessories they came with.
Please note that software must remain sealed, and items that involve electronic downloads or subscriptions are non-returnable once used. Refunds are processed as quickly as possible, up to 14 days from when we receive your return. Business-to-business orders are not covered by our unwanted returns policy and are non-returnable.
Customers must arrange and pay for the return delivery, unless the item arrived faulty or the order was incorrectly fulfilled by us.
How We Test Returned Items
All returns are tested by our independent test center according to manufacturer or supplier procedures. If a returned item is found not to be faulty, or has been tampered with in a way that invalidates the warranty, the item will be returned to you at your cost. You will be charged the original postage costs; for items where free delivery was offered, a charge of 9.99 GBP will apply.